Sunday, January 30, 2011


     So, I twittered and facebooked* that I was going to spend my weekend CREATING and MAKING STUFF after two weeks of being sick, and pretty much spending my weekends napping and eating soup. (And going to rehearsals for a dance concert in March, but rehearsals are pretty much a constant in my life. It's a little like mentioning that I spent time breathing.  or reading.) 

A flower bobby pin!  Created on my flower loom
I didn't actually get as much done as I would have liked, because I took a "percussion for choreographers" master class on Friday, and we spent some lovely time together as a family on Saturday.  (And Sunday I had...yup, that's right, REHEARSAL!)  But I did find time to make this flower bobby pin.

*harumph.  Spell check doesn't think facebooked is a word.  What does it know?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The last two weeks....

Spent much of the last two weeks battling off a nasty cold.  My life pretty much consisted of going to class, going to rehearsal, eating soup, and napping.  Now, this is where I post the picture of the homemade chicken noodle soup I ate in a stoneware bowl, perched on a cute plate with a home baked roll sitting on the side.

Or, um, y'know, NOT...  It always amuses me when people think I'm an uber-domestic Martha Stewart type because I'm crafty and stuff.  Not, uh, always the case as you can see.  

Monday, January 17, 2011


Got my hands in the clay again!  Here's a work in progress.  

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Frosty Morning...

Woke up this morning to find Jack Frost had been busy on my kitchen window!